The abandoned house part 1

''But mummy! I wanna go on the Tommy Train Ride!''  ''No darling. It's already 6pm!'' I stomped up to my bedroom. Then, I had that light bulb moment. I pretended to sleep-when Mum came to my bedroom, she saw that I was sleeping(not). Then it's time for the action. I checked the time-11pm. perfect. I thought. I leaped out of bed, tipy toey out of the front door and walked to my neighbors house. They were kind enough to take me to the 'Tommy Train Ride'.

When they dropped me off, I walked in. Surprisingly, I saw a man waving at me. He said: Welcome to the midnight trains. C'mon. hop in." As I  stepped in,he started moving already. I quickly sat down...

Then, as I enjoyed looking at the teddy bears, I saw 1 teddy bear blink,& another, & another!! I was like, what the heck is going on??? Then I looked at the driver and asked if it could move faster. It didn't reply. It turned around and... and... IT WAS A TEDDY BEAR!!! What is going on??

I called my neighbour. They didn't pick up. Then, it came to a stop. It was dark. scary. horrific. horrifying. It's the end of my life. I'm never going to survive. (15 hours later)

Coca-doodle-do!! Another kids life-''OK! time to go!!''...

(to be continued....)


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